Aminet 16
Aminet 16 (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1996].iso
Text File
157 lines
"I was there at the dawn of the Third Age of Mankind. It began in the
Earth year 2257 with the founding of the last of the Babylon stations,
located deep in neutral space.
It was a port of call for refugees, smugglers, businessmen, diplomats
and travelers from a hundred worlds. It could be a dangerous place, but
we accepted the risk because Babylon 5 was our last, best hope for peace.
Under the leadership of its final commander, Babylon 5 was a dream given
form, a dream of a galaxy without war, when species from different worlds
could live side-by-side in mutual respect, a dream that was endangered as
never before by the arrival of one man on a mission of destruction.
Babylon 5 was the last of the Babylon stations. This is its story."
-- Ambassador Londo Mollari's opening narrative, Pilot Episode
"The Narn regime is dedicated to peace!"
"So, in that case, being the peace-loving Narns we've all come to know and
love, except for a few planets on the fringe who say you've invaded them,
they shouldn't mind being scanned, now should they?"
-- G'Kar and LCdr. Laurel Takashima, "The Gathering"
"If it makes you feel any better, I can send them a fruit basket."
-- Laurel Takeshima (to G'Kar), "The Gathering"
"You name it, sooner or later everyone comes to Babylon 5."
-- Sinclair (to Lyta Alexander), "The Gathering"
"Why is it called Babylon 5?"
'Babylons 1, 2, and 3 were sabotaged and destroyed. Number 4 vanished
without a trace 24 hours after becoming operational.'
-- Lyta Alexander and Sinclair, "The Gathering"
"Notice the waves, each moving in its own order. Predictable...unchanging.
But drop in a single stone and see how the pattern changes. Everything
around it is altered."
-- Delenn (re: Japanese stone garden), "The Gathering"
"On my world, there are books, thousands of pages, about the power of one
mind to change the Universe. But none say it as clearly as this."
-- Delenn (re: Japanese stone garden), "The Gathering"
"Do you not have files on the Vorlons?"
'Absolutely. Very large files. But nothing is in them, of course.'
-- Delenn and Sinclair, "The Gathering"
"If anyone asks, say it fell from the sky."
-- Delenn to Sinclair (re: Vorlon files), "The Gathering"
"Commander, you know everything about your stone garden. But clearly, you
have not spent nearly enough time looking at it."
-- Delenn, "The Gathering"
"You're a security chief. Shouldn't you be out securing something?"
-- Londo (to Garibaldi), "The Gathering"
"Someday I'm going to find the guy that thought up the idea of renting
telepaths to businessman and I'm going to kill him."
'Funny, I just knew you were going to say that.'
-- Businessman and Lyta Alexander, "The Gathering"
"Would you prefer to be conscious or unconscious during the mating? I would
prefer conscious, but I don't know what your...pleasure threshold is."
-- G'Kar (to Lyta Alexander), "The Gathering"
"We were talking the other day about how nobody's seen a Vorlon before
and he said that according to legend, one human did see a Vorlon...he
turned to stone."
-- Laurel Takeshima, "The Gathering"
"Even for an alien, this one is pretty alien."
-- Dr. Kyle (re: Vorlon Ambassador Kosh), "The Gathering"
"Can you imagine what we could achieve together?"
'I can, which is why it must never be allowed to happen.'
-- G'Kar and Delenn, "The Gathering"
"On Narn, we heard the decision to surrender came from your holy men. A
secret group called the Gray Council. Weak, frightened old fools with
no vision or the will to fight."
-- G'Kar (to Delenn), "The Gathering"
"I should have known better than to waste my time. You're even worse than
the Centauri. They're beyond the dream of conquest, but you! You had the
Earth Alliance on its knees! One more stroke and you would have defeated
them. But you surrendered. Why?"
-- G'Kar to Delenn, "The Gathering"
"I suppose there'll be a war now, hmm? All that running around and
shooting one another. You would have thought sooner or later it would
go out of fashion."
-- Londo, "The Gathering"
"You make very good sharks, Mr Garibaldi. We were pretty good sharks
ourselves once but somehow along the way we forgot how to bite. There was
a time when this whole quadrant belonged to us. What are we now? A dozen
worlds and a thousand monuments to past glories. Living off memories,
stories, selling trinkets. My God, man, we've become a tourist
attraction. See the great Centauri Republic, open 9 to 5, Earth time."
-- Londo, "The Gathering"
"Nice shark...pretty shark..."
-- Londo, "The Gathering"
"I can't see him through this encounter suit."
'Trust me, its better this way.'
-- Alexander and Kyle (re: Kosh), "The Gathering"
"I don't trust telepaths. Never have, never will."
-- Garibaldi, "The Gathering"
"Back home, our position, status, all that we have is based on family
history. G'Kar offered me an exchange. My cooperation in return for
evidence showing that during our rule of the Narn homeworld, certain
atrocities were committed by my grandfather."
-- Londo, "The Gathering"
"They came at us out of nowhere. We never had a chance. The sky was
full of stars and every star an exploding ship -- one of ours."
-- Sinclair, "The Gathering"
"We didn't stop them, they stopped themselves and I wish to hell I knew why."
-- Sinclair (re: the Minbari), "The Gathering"
"There is a hole...in your mind."
-- The Assassin (to Sinclair), "The Gathering"
"Commander, this little breach of security isn't going to affect my
Christmas bonus, is it?"
-- Garibaldi, "The Gathering"
"It's a location transponder. It should dissolve in about five years.
But until then, Ambassador, my friends in my warrior caste have this
frequency. And if anything should happen to Babylon 5, they have
instructions to track down that transmitter and, well, why spoil the
-- Sinclair to G'Kar, "The Gathering"
"Beep. Beep."
-- Garibaldi (to G'Kar), "The Gathering"
"Why Babylon 5? If the prior four stations were lost or destroyed, why
build another?"
'Plain old human stubbornness I guess. When something we value is destroyed,
we rebuild it. If its destroyed again, we rebuild it again...and again
and again and...again. Until it stays. That as our poet Tennison once
said is the goal: to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.'
-- Delenn and Sinclair, "The Gathering"
"A poem: a story in meter or rhyme."
'Ahh. `There once was a man from Nantucket...`'
"You've been talking to Garibaldi again, haven't you?"
-- Delenn and Sinclair, "The Gathering"
"This is Lieutenant Commander Laurel Takeshima. Our docking bays stand
ready to receive you. Babylon 5 is open for business."
-- Laurel Takeshima, "The Gathering"